Rei Cosplay (2nd) von Highschool of the Dead
Princesse Zelda Cosplay (Breath of the Wild, 2nd) von The Legend of Zelda
Marta Costume (with Pants) von Tales of Symphonia
Cordelia Cosplay von Fire Emblem Awakening
Kingyosou Cosplay von Hozuki no Reitetsu
Red Riding Annie Cosplay von League of Legends
Konoha Cosplay (2nd) von Kagerou Project
Alvin Cosplay von Tales of Xillia
Shadow the hedghog Cosplay von Sonic the Hedgehog
United Kingdom Costume (Girl) von Hetalia: Axis Powers
Tsukiko Cosplay (School Uniform) von Starry Sky
Konoe Cosplay von Klagelied